Editorial Submissions
SmartCustomerService.com regularly posts columns from the most respected customer service and support analysts, consultants, and vendors in the industry. Contributed columns appear in either our “Expert Advice” or “Vendor Views” section, which are prominently positioned on our home page.
If you would like to pitch a column about customer service strategies or technologies, please read the following guidelines:
- Do not send an unsolicited manuscript.
- Become familiar with the Web site and our style and content.
- Each entry should be original work that has not appeared elsewhere.
- The column should be a vendor-neutral, thought-leadership piece—not a sales pitch.
- Keep the word count to about 800 words long (we can run a series of columns, if you need more than 800 words).
- Include a suggested headline, a one-sentence summary, and an author’s bio.
Our Focus
SmartCustomerService.com is looking for high-quality content in the following areas of customer service and support (by no means a complete list):
- The Cloud/Hosted Contact Centers
- Social Media Strategies
- Mobile Technology Strategies
- Multichannel/Cross-channel Strategies
- Analytics
- Big Data
- Automated Support
- Live Support
- Infrastructure/Hardware
- Voice of the Customer Strategies
- Workforce Optimization
- Quality Monitoring
- Training
- Data Security and Privacy
Our Readers
When making a pitch please keep our audience in mind. Our target readers are the executives who make the business decisions regarding customer service and support initiatives, including CIOs and customer service vice president, directors, and managers.
Special Note: We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or reuse submissions in any of Information Today, Inc.’s print or online media outlets.
Please send Vendor Views submissions in the body of an email (no attachments) to VendorViews@smartcustomerservice.com. (No phone calls, please.)