Adds Generative AI to Dynamic Automation Platform (DAP), a provider of conversational artificial intelligence, has launched the Dynamic Automation Platform (DAP) powered by generative AI, to help companies automate customer and employee experiences at scale.

DAP runs a multi-large language model (LLM) AI engine, DynamicNLP. Its new generative AI-powered features include the following:

  • Generative AI-powered Dynamic Chat, to generate conversation flows on the fly. Companies can create a lead generation goal for website visitors and configure mandatory and optional inputs (e.g., keeping the phone number and email mandatory and the name and size of the company optional). Dynamic Chat can generate conversations in real time using these inputs, generate the lead, and store it in the CRM.
  • Generative AI-powered Inbox, an omnichannel customer support help desk that uses AI for ticket summarizations, response and tone suggestions, a multilingual agent interface& for translating queries into the agent's preferred languages in real time, and coaching insights and recommendations.
  • Dynamic Workflow Generator for marketing and customer support.
  • AI Content Engine for Marketers with messaging and tone templates powered by generative AI based on campaign goal and user segment.

"By leveraging a multi-LLM architecture, our DAP provides human agents with generative AI-powered assistance while also enabling brands to not just engage with customers but also achieve goal-oriented outcomes and increase conversion rates," Jaya Kishore Reddy, co-founder and chief technology officer of, said in a statement. "Our robust generative AI roadmap underscores our dedication to remaining at the forefront of conversational workflow automation, delivering exceptional human-like experiences anytime, anywhere."

Raghu Ravinutala, co-founder and CEO of said in the same statement that "At, we strongly believe in the potential of generative AI to enhance our capabilities, foster innovation, and drive business growth. We are investing heavily in domain-specific LLMs to facilitate dynamic content creation, providing our customers with a comprehensive experience through our enterprise-grade Dynamic AI agents.