In December, transcosmos and Jasmy began exploring a joint contact center platform that applies blockchain technology and the Internet of Things. It also aims to help improve the quality of customer communication while reducing time and other workloads spent for customer enquiries; use contact center data (call logs and support histories) produced through customer communication; and manage and operate communication data safely and securely.
The contact center application being developed will give customers control over their call logs and support histories that are typically managed and stored on contact center servers and retention of their own data using decentralized processing and other blockchain technologies. As a result, customers no longer need to explain their past contact histories and situations every time they contact a contact center. They can also present their log data to multiple companies.
Contact centers, meanwhile, no longer need to retain personal information more than necessary. They can confirm the data only when necessary upon customers’ consent and return the data, including the updates, after serving customers.
Other topics that the Jasmy Initiative hopes to address include optimal and smooth communication scheme, personal data handling, solutions to tackle costs of communication, a way to enable both businesses and customers to mutually use the communication data, and more.