Debuts Customer App Builder has released Salesforce1 Heroku Connect, a new synchronization technology that integrates the capabilities of Salesforce1 and Heroku allowing companies to connect customer data in Salesforce with next-generation customer apps.

With Heroku Connect, companies now have turnkey access to the complete set of technologies needed to create the engaging, connected experiences today's mobile, always-on consumers increasingly demand.

"Mobile apps like Lyft and Square have changed customer expectations around business interactions, and are transforming entire industries," said Adam Gross, vice president of product for Heroku, in a statement. "Every company now feels an urgency to create similarly compelling, connected applications for their customers. By integrating the business data and process strengths of Salesforce with Heroku's capabilities for consumer Internet apps, Salesforce1 Heroku Connect provides a complete solution to this increasingly critical need."

Heroku Connect provides companies with the capabilities required to quickly build engaging consumer apps that can improve their customers' experiences, while implementing the back-end business processes that allow real-time workflow and access into their customers' data to deliver a fully connected experience.

Heroku Connect provides bi-directional data flow between Salesforce1 and the Heroku Postgres databases. Seamless data integration between Heroku and Salesforce enables developers to build a whole new class of apps on Heroku, apps that deliver engaging customer experiences with robust business process support.

Heroku Connect also enables developers to build apps using their technologies of choice and leverage Salesforce data accessed through a relational data store. This flexibility creates faster time to market for the business while enabling cutting edge mobile and Web experiences that use popular open stack technologies like Node.js, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java, Go, and Python.