Kana Launches Lagan Enterprise Customer Service Suite

Kana has has released a new customer service suite, Lagan Enterprise, for public sector organizations which offers functionality to manage escalating workloads and user expectations.

Lagan Enterprise allows public sector entities to manage government and citizen interactions; improve service efficiency and speed of response; reduce the cost to serve; and eliminate information silos, all while meeting "Digital First" mandates.

Kana says that this is the first omni-channel Knowledge designed to meet the specific needs of public sector constituent service. Lagan Knowledge Management features a new knowledge platform and user interface that offers improved speed, flexibility and easier knowledge-authoring. A new agent search user interface incorporates meta tags for search filtering and user ratings for content, and is designed to integrate into any engagement channels.

Lagan Employee Mobile allows public sector workers to view, accept, update and close cases while in the field. Supporting iOS and Android, Lagan Employee Mobile features a responsive design that adapts screen size to accommodate smartphones and tablet devices. The solution also supports 24/7 year-round online self-service, enabling customers to find answers to queries via Knowledge Management functionality on the Web.

Other new capabilities include:

Enhanced OmniChannel Integration for Improved Service Efficiency: Through an updated "event publisher" mechanism and a new Integrator Web IWA), LAGAN Enterprise supports enhanced integration among back-office operations.

Enhanced Agent Desktop to Empower Call Center Agents: Feature enhances email query productivity and compliance management on par with email solutions previously only available to commercial entities.

Lagan Enterprise: Addresses the essential need by government to improve citizen relations and services while keeping related costs in balance.

"The operating mantras across governments have been shaped into a well-worn truism: do more for less," said Ovum analyst Nishant Shah, in a statement. "It is the driving characteristic for the public sector's operating context, whether in hard-hit agencies struggling with fiscal austerity or those that emerged from the downturn unscathed. However, long-term shifts in technology, economics, climate and geopolitics are forcing leaders to make a choice: begin preparing for the future or risk security lapses, an inability to compete for investment, and a generally decreased capability to support citizens."