Contact Center Market Poised for Robust Growth

The global contact center market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 10.64 percent through 2020, according to a new report from Research and Markets.

One of the key drivers of this growth will be robotic process automation solutions, also known as software robots implemented to automate contact center processes, according to the report. RPA solutions are ideal for organizations that are handling multiple customer responses and high volumes of data, reducing manual contact center management processes and administrative costs.

According to the report, the need to automate contact center operations will drive the global contact center market. Contact center service providers and in-house contact centers in organizations need to automate the customer assistant services to provide high-quality services, it said.

The emergence of artificial intelligence and robotics technology has helped contact centers to automate contact center processes. The use of software robots is improving customer service in contact centers. With the advent of machine learning technology, cognitive computing, and behavioral analytics, the technology landscape has changed in the contact centers to a great extent.

Further, the report states that organizations that have been using legacy systems find it difficult to make the latest IT systems interoperable. Contact centers that subscribe to IT solutions from multiple systems often face technology/service integration issues. Inadequate IT integration can discourage IT managers and hence, system integration has become a major issue in recent times. System integration issues hamper the business performance of contact centers.