Integrates with ZOOM

Chorus.a has partnered with ZOOM to ensure that ZOOM's native visual and audio recording notification is activated for any Chorus-recorded meeting.

Chorus' partnership with ZOOM ensures all parties are aware that the call is being recorded with the recording message visible on-screen at all times.

In addition to full compliance, the integration delivers high-quality video, low latency, and control over the recording process. Stopping and starting recording is now easier, making the overall experience and interaction better for both the sales reps and prospects.

"Announcing a meeting is being recorded is important, but sales professionals don't always remember to do it," said Roy Raanani, CEO and co-founder of, in a statement. "In the last four years, we have proven the incredible business value of recording sales meetings and using the insights to improve performance across the board. The law requires businesses to notify meeting participants if a meeting is being recorded, which can be difficult to enforce at scale. Our native ZOOM integration removes this risk for businesses using ZOOM and this headache for sales reps, all while creating a better user experience."

"As a software provider in the legal space, our team understands the importance and headache of compliance," said Kevin Cohn, chief customer officer at Brightflag, in a statement. "Remaining easily and fully compliant with all call recording laws without sacrificing the deep insights we can pull from conversations opens the door for our team to create more engaging interactions."